Miracles, Signs and Wonders
This website provides an amazing glimpse into the supernatural miracles, signs and wonders occurring daily at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in the Texas Hill Country. Each year, thousands of people travel from around the world to experience the power and presence of God at the free, 24.5-acre, Kerrville, Texas spiritual art park, built and administered by The Coming King Foundation (TCKF), an independent, non-profit Art Museum.
The dramatic, Biblical miracles occurring at “The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden” in the heart of the Texas Hill Country are being verified and documented. Located at the same latitude as Israel, thousands of miracles have been occurring at this free, Christ-honoring Garden when people simply pray and worship God in the name of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world.
The Trustees of The Coming King Foundation invite you now to explore this website and consider the evidence. Ask questions, search the Scriptures and test everything. Jesus said to test the “fruit” (Gal 5:22) and the “root” (Jn 15:1) to determine what is true and good. Good fruit is coming from this Christ-honoring Garden!
God is not afraid of questions and neither are we. Our desire is to be bold, honest witnesses to the Truth that Jesus Christ is God and that His Holy Spirit is still working genuine miracles in our world today (Heb 13:8).
We have presented here just a few of the thousands of miraculous events that are occurring constantly at “The Coming King® Sculpture Prayer Garden” because they are an important sign to you (Jn 14:11). These miracles, signs and wonders point to the real God who is Good. They point to His Son Jesus Christ, who is Risen. They point to the Power who Raised Him from the dead, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is very active on earth today. Most importantly, these miracles are a sign from Jesus Christ so you “may know Him and the power of His resurrection.”
Please contact us if you have any questions or want to share a personal testimony. Please send us an email with pictures if God touches you while visiting the Garden or this website. Also, we sincerely appreciate your prayers and support so that this beautiful Garden can be completed as soon as possible. The multi-million dollar Garden is being built on faith in God, without debt, tax money or professional fundraisers. The land and all of the artwork has been donated.
We pray now in the name of Jesus Christ, that God blesses you greatly because of your visit to this website and His Tabernacle Garden! In the name of the Coming King! AMEN!

“People have always been skeptical of God’s miracles. Thomas Jefferson deleted the New Testament miracles out of his book, The Jefferson Bible. He believed that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John had added them as misinterpretations to the life of Christ. I saw a story on the news this week that prompted this post. I believe in miracles. I believe that God told Moses to stretch out his hand and the waters of the Red Sea were parted (Exodus 14). I believe that God stopped the Jordan River when Joshua sent the priests, carrying the ark, into its waters (Joshua 3). I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and that he performed many miracles during his lifetime. And I believe Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” So why do I struggle when I see stories about miracles, like the story I saw on the news this week?”

Our Other Sites
Testimony by Max Greiner, Jr.

I am a guy who long ago asked God not to do anything fun without me! What I am about to share is the “fun stuff” that regularly happens at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, which has become famous for its miracles, signs and wonders. We have hundreds of thousands of “pilgrims” who travel to this free spiritual art park from every state and from approximately one hundred countries drawn by the power and presence of God. This Garden is a “type” of last days Tabernacle (Isaiah 2:2, Amos 9:11 & Micah 4:1). Genuine supernatural miracles occur daily as thousands of people seek the God of the Bible. The Coming King, Jesus Christ, also known as Yeshua, the Messiah of the Jews and The Lion of Judah, is on the 1,930’ mountain 365 days a year! Last month (November 2022) an estimated 16,731 people climbed the “Holy Hill” in search of God (Psalm 121:1).
Literally thousands of people have been born-again at the foot of “The Empty Cross.” Thousands more have been water baptized in the “Living Water Fountain” and baptized in the Holy Spirit inside the cross. By the love of God, many souls have been delivered from abuse, shame, guilt, pain, homosexuality, and demonization. Physical and emotional healings occur frequently when people pray the four prayers posted inside the 77’ 7” Cor-ten steel open cross.
To my knowledge, at least 50 people have canceled their plans for suicide while on the Garden property. Doctors and counselors frequently direct their patients to the non-denominational, Christian healing garden.

In addition to these “first-order” miracles, other signs and wonders occur continuously on the anointed property. Thousands of people from all backgrounds and faiths have witnessed signs and wonders which testify to the God of the Bible. Hundreds of these miracles are documented in my book, “The Garden – Art Of Faith”. The large, 490-page illustrated tome is available in print and as a digital book.