The Cross at Kerrville

“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

A Healed Heart

Click the Title to Read the Full Testimony: “Just as the gathering was breaking up to go to someone’s home, because of the cold and wind, and we were all speaking to the various areas of Kerrville, you prayed for me. I believe Bob told you, somehow just before that, about my heart needing healing, and I felt your hand on my back. Then as I was leaving, two people told me that the back of Bob’s black jacket, which he had brought to me from the car, and which I had over my shoulders, was covered with gold dust. I was really blessed to hear that, and we went on home. That night, no a-fibrilation, Max, the next day a quick bout which I came against, and NONE AT ALL SINCE, Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our Lord is SO amazing! Just sayin’ :)”

Quote from Elizabth Glover’s e-mail to Max Greiner 12/19/11

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